Please dress appropriately for cooler weather. This can include sweatpants and even toques and mittens/gloves. Even though athletes can get hot running around, it is easier to take off layers (instead of realizing too late that it is colder out on the pitch than in your yard at home).
Bring along a water bottle as you can work up a sweat.
Play by the rules.
Never argue with a referee or assistant referee. If you disagree, speak with your coach.
Control your temper and maintain control over your emotions. Avoid bad/negative comments and/or gestures, and know that purposely distracting or annoying an opponent is not allowed behaviour in soccer.
Work equally hard for yourself and your team. Your team’s performance will benefit, so will YOU.
Be a good sport; applaud all good plays whether they are made by your team or the opposition.
Treat all participants in soccer as you would like to be treated. Do not bully or take unfair advantage of another competitor.
Cooperate with your coach, teammates and opponents. Without them there would be no game.
Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit, not just to please parents and coaches.
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
Believe that referees, just as coaches and players, are attempting to do their best.
Understand that your attitude can influence the players, coaches and spectators.
Remember that practices are just as important as games and my attendance helps my team. I will do my best to notify my coach if I must miss a practice or a game.
Play for the FUN of SOCCER!